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We also share information about you for the uses described in these privacy guidelines, including the provision of services that you request (including third party interconnection).. Party Apps and Widgets) You are responsible for all fees, including attorney fees and collection fees, incurred by us in our efforts to collect your remaining funds.. Choice of law, disputes, specific terms and conditions (including current company fluctuations) and other important region-specific provisions are contained in this section 14. Click
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However, this does not mean that we monitor the services or review the content or display the necessary rights to obtain the license described in this section 6 (b) for content that you upload, share or send to the Services.. Unless otherwise agreed, arbitration must be held or less demands must be lodged in County where you have your primary residence, or Santa Clara County, California.. Unless otherwise stated in Section 14, the subscription will automatically be renewed at the current price, excluding promotions and discount prices. 2
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You must ensure that your account information (i e , information you provide when signing up or subscribing to a service) is up to date, complete, accurate, and truthful. 3
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You may stop using the Services at any time but still use or subscribe to a Service after the entry into force of any change in terms or the terms you accept the changed circumstances.. This policy applies to brands, websites, apps, advertising services, products, services, or technologies (collectively, we call these services).. We may remove and refuse content that violates the terms of use or applicable laws or regulations. 773a7aa168 Click
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